Exciting Changes at Waterfall Way Designs
"I don't have the time or money"
We have been making websites for over 10 years. In that time a very small percentage of our clients have taken full advantage of their online presence.
We understand you have a business to run, products and staff to organise, family life balance to achieve. However your customer-base is shifting, what they are asking for is changing and your potential market is expanding not contracting. Customers want the choice, the ease and convenience that online provides.
We understand websites are not your passion, but they are ours. Making money for local businesses online is what gets us up in the morning. We love hearing stories of a website enquiry leading to a builder’s new house project, online sales increasing for a local bricks and mortar retail store, a unique regional product getting Australia-wide or international sales, etc.
We’ve made the time
Over the last few months we have been working with a Corporate Advisor to review and reposition our business. We knew we needed to look at where we’ve been, where we want to go, and find out how we could get there. It was time to make the time to work on our business.
One of the most valuable insights we’ve gained through this process is that we are no different from the vast majority of businesses. We have been so focused on what we do, we haven’t stopped to ask why or evaluate whether how we do it really serves our client’s businesses.
We’ve clarified that our mission is to work alongside our clients businesses. Our commitment is to ensure our client’s online capabilities use every appropriate mechanism to add value to the business and the customers they serve.
Up until now we have met the market’s requests. People came to us for “a website”, we made them a website. A majority of businesses large and small still see online capabilities as an “add on”, like a third wheel, but we know information technology is a vast, complex and fast moving object. We know too that it reaps maximum returns on your investment when it is integrated fully into your offering and is maintained and updated regularly.
So in 2015 we will do "online" for you in ways you haven’t experienced before. We will create, update and continually improve your online presence to maximise returns on your investment. We will talk to you, listen, write content for you, take photos, make videos, update social media, etc. All in keeping with your business' vision.
Each month, or as periodically as you prefer, we will send you a tailored report. It will show you the results of your efforts, as well as ours, with the main goal of helping you learn about your online customers and for your business to adjust quickly to market demands and changes.
We understand the complexity of the internet and know when to call on associates with other qualified skill sets. By taking a role as your out-sourced project manager we ensure that every component of your online business system is effective and efficient. We had to admit we hadn’t been doing that because we were “selling you a website” but now that’s changing.
We haven’t been completely idle during our break. We have completed an update to our website to reflect our offering to new clients and hope you like it too! But, we are certainly not forgetting our large existing client base. We are champing at the bit to show you in particular what’s possible online for your business.
Whether the returns to you are 10, 100 or 1000% greater than the investment in us will depend on many factors for both parties but one thing is certain, without your desire to grow your business and to drive the changes we can only do so much. Nevertheless, we will be encouraging you every step of the way and doing it for you until, if and when, you are ready to do it for yourselves.
In January 2016 we will showcase local success stories. We will feature businesses that have stepped up to embrace the next level of online capability as part of their core business model and are attracting new and loyal customers from the New England and beyond.
We wish each of you a year of growth and prosperity.
David & Alanna